Friday, January 26, 2007

Me back!!!!! Booyakasha!!!!!
Been thru quite a bit lately....different career but in the same industry... I have made a step forward in life. Its not easy but well worth it. To some people, what I face can be disheartening but I guess its just a day by day thing. Getting stood up by clients. These people, they are not the least sincere. Meeting people, whom you spend so much energy wanting to help them improve their lives, but instead, choose to stay in a state they are in. Hey, I'm n ot complaining. In fact, its interesting. As a life planner aka financial planner aka Insurance Advisor aka insurance agent, I have to be with my clients on a personal basis. Where I meet them and discover their small little world. Mostly I meet with normal working class people. However there are also the low-income people, or those who have absolutely no clue on what they are doing with life.

I get to learn more about people as they are. Their lives, their habits, their family values and so on.

Many people have a misconception that my job is to earn money and to cutthroat these people. But they are wrong. In fact people like me, we help these people by giving them ways and means not only for the ppresent bnut on how to bless the people around them in thefuture. How their kids and family will survive if the sole bread winner dies and so on...many other things. too... I learn their sorrows, their mishaps, their joy and so on.

It is an eye opener, how a malay girl who used to be muslim, got pregnant and married her atheist employer. he is 21 and he is 45.. she herself converted.

But putting that aside, her living cvondition was not all that fantastic. Now the husband is bakrupt. They live in a one bedroom apartment with the husband's relative. Her family disowned her.

Because of all these, I enjoy my work more and more and more.....

In a way, how bad I hated working at ST&T, it got me interested in this insurance business and after working with Income spurred me to pursue.

Now, its about 14 months more before my BIG day. kind oif what Borat say..I am very excite!!!!!! hahaha whatever lah...

To that friend of mine...I have to say to her

" Heals wound....wether it takes years or wether it heals on the surface but bleeds inside, it will still heal slowly but surely. Let him be your antidote.....coz he loves you... more than anything.."

Disclamer Ini blog gua, Lu tak suka Lu Keluar.
Relek satu corner, Makan pisang


Nama Gua Fyr, Keturunan Bawean Kelahiran Singapura
Gua dah attached ngan wanita terunggul dalam hati gua
Guaa takder peminat dan sungguh tidak diminati ramai
Gua bukan Taufik Batisah, gua bukan Imran Ajmain
Gua LOVERBOY...hehehe



EQ Sis No.2 Miharu-Chan Kak Shasha My baby dearest

Music Make me lose control


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